Profile: Glenn Heights Place 5 Council Member Shaunte Allen

Shaunte Allen
Courtesy Photo

Focus Daily News: What elected official seat do you sit in?

Shaunte Allen: I sit on the Glenn Heights City Council, Place 5.


FDN: How long have you had this seat?

SA: I just finished my first three-year term. I was re-elected in November 2021 for my second term.


FDN: What is your main goal as a city council member during this term?

SA: My main goal is to keep citizens informed and engaged so we can all prosper together.


FDN: What made you decide to get into politics?

SA: Protesting at a rally in Washington D.C. for Eric Garner was when Rev. Al Sharpton inspired me to be more than just a volunteer and activist. I knew I needed to write the laws that improved my community.

FDN: What have been some of the surprises?

SA: I am surprised by the helpfulness of other elected officials who want to see me succeed. My first two years on Council were difficult. But as I reached out to people across the nation, they encouraged me. In 2019, I went to a conference in Detroit where an elected official described how her city, in Florida, developed their “barrier-free” park. I contacted their Parks Department and they emailed resources and plans showing how they created theirs. I am forever grateful as the Glenn Heights “All-Abilities” park will open Summer 2022.

FDN: What have been your challenges?

SA: My greatest challenge is bringing my vision to fruition while overcoming legal obstacles. My vision for Glenn Heights has always been for us to be a sustainable city. Now is the time to be innovative and strategic.

FDN: Where do you see the city going in the next few years and who will you contribute to that?

SA: Progress is slow, but we are on an upward trajectory. I am hopeful that citizens, City Council, and city staff will collectively be responsible for making Glenn Heights a premium destination (small city charm with big city amenities) in the Best Southwest.