Q&A With Cedar Hill City Council Member Chad McCurdy
Focus Daily News: What elected official seat do you sit in?
Chad McCurdy: Cedar Hill City Council Seat 4.
FDN: How long have you sat in this seat?
CM: I was first elected on May 2018.
FDN: What is your main goal as a city council member during this term?
CM: I want to see some of the projects on our radar completed and I want to see the convention center restarted.
FDN: What made you decide to get into politics?
CM: I ran for office to help foster and create the type of city where I wanted to raise my children.
FDN: What have been some of the surprises?
CM: How willing people are to step in and help make things happen in the city.
FDN: What have been some of your main challenges?
CM: There’s so much going on in Cedar Hill sometimes it’s hard to juggle all the balls.
FDN: Where do you see the city going in the next few years and how will you contribute to that?
CM: We are adding critical new employers and industries to our economy. We need to continue to leverage this influence for positive growth while maintaining our small town feel.
Official Bio From City of Cedar Hill
Chad A. McCurdy was elected to the Cedar Hill City Council, Place 4 in 2018. He has been active in the Cedar Hill community through service in his neighborhood organizations and as a chair of the city’s Planning & Zoning Commission.
As a city council member, Chad is committed to continuing the tradition of Cedar Hill as a premier city. Understanding that Cedar Hill’s location in the D-FW Metroplex means growth, he wants to help preserve Cedar Hill’s special character. Chad’s priorities include improving on Cedar Hill’s best in Southwest crime rates, successfully implementing the 2017 bond program, and creating an environment where Cedar Hill businesses can thrive and grow.
Prior to his service on city council, Chad was a member of board of the Lake Ridge Property Owners Association and was elected president of the board in 2010. In 2008, he led the creation of the Lake Ridge Charitable Foundation as a neighborhood outreach initiative to the local community. The foundation hosts an annual golf tournament which raises thousands of dollars each year for local nonprofits and service organizations. Chad has led the Lake Ridge Elementary Chapter of All Pro Dads in CHISD and was a member of the city’s Citizen Bond Review Committee in 2016.
Chad graduated from Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Organizational Behavior. He has worked as a securities broker for 15 years, running his own company and is Chairman of Diversicare Inc, an operator of skilled nursing facilities. Chad also operates a real estate investment partnership and property management company with his family.