Midlothian City Council approves new city logo and city tagline

city of midlothian logo

MIDLOTHIAN – The City of Midlothian approved a new logo and tagline at this week’s city council meeting.

The vote was 4 – 1 – 1 when the final vote was taken.

Place 1 Wayne Sibley voted against, he preferred the logo presented in the original presentation to the council, which included a green coloring in the design.

Place 6 Hud Hartson abstained from voting because he had asked 250 residents about changing the city’s logo during a council discussion and 90% of those responses did not support a change. He said this was due to their belief the city did not need to spend money changing all the city’s logos at this time.

“When we initially decided as a council to look into a new logo and motto, we agreed to fund looking into it and not to change it at that time. Since we did that, all the focus groups and volunteers on these committees looking into a new logo and motto were not told they had the choice to decide on no new logo and motto for the city not to spend money versus being told to choose one as an option. At tonight’s vote, I abstained out of protest for that entire process that I felt was not transparent.”

It was noted in the presentation that there had also been 361 internal community participants surveyed and 313 additional surveys as to the decision on what logo was preferred, which in turn was the final logo that Laurie Lundberg, Director of Communications & Marketing, who gave the presentation had first presented.

It was Mayor Pro-Tem Justin Coffman during his comments about the new logo who suggested a second logo design – a red, white, and blue logo minus the green – and he asked Lundberg to show the council that alternate logo.

“I am grateful for the team” who took the time to work on making this happen, Coffman began. He said he was aware it was a long and thorough process.

“I was a hard sale,” he said adding he was pleasantly surprised by the results. He said he did believe the green color was too much and it was at that time the now-approved red, white, and blue logo was shown to the council and eventually voted on favorably.

‘Change is part of how we grow’

Place 3 Anna Hammonds, who also participated in the logo process meetings, said she also favored the red, white, and blue logo Coffman suggested. Mayor Richard Reno gave that choice his nod as well.

Place 2 Walter Darrach, who had been part of the new logo process meetings said, “It wasn’t easy because of the points just brought up [referring to Hartson’s comments] but change is part of how we grow.”

Place 4 Clark Wickliffe said he was excited and sad at the same time about the new logo, but insinuated he was happy about the change and supported it.

The process of determining a new logo began in June of last year. At that time, it was said a new logo would be a good way to create a cohesive brand for the entire city as one.

In addition to the new logo, with the mix of red, white, and blue the new tagline for Midlothian will be Bright Foundations. Bright Futures.

“Bright Foundations. Bright Futures.”

Midlothian Mayor Richard Reno said the existing logo was good for its time.

“We are a community unique to ourselves now,” he explained.

He pointed out the new tagline “Bright Foundations. Bright Futures.” are plural and that speaks to the diversity of our community and how our future is diverse. It is a strong message and overall, I like the logo and I think it is time for us to step up and identify who we are.”

The explanation for the new tagline was that it blends the ideals of tradition and progress, delivering the core of the positioning statement: So, you can harvest opportunity while honoring small-town charm and tradition. “Strong Foundations.” acknowledges the ties to the City’s industrial and agricultural heritage as well as its faith-based underpinnings. “Bright Futures.” alludes to the promise and potential the city holds for the future of all its citizens.

The new logo will be phased in on the website, vehicles, uniforms, business cards, and other normally branded items.

Additional Items Discussed

Council also approved in one vote the nine consent agenda items including the minutes from the City Council meeting of April 11, 2023, and the minutes from the Mid-Way Regional Airport Joint Airport Board meeting of March 9, 2023.

They authorized the City Manager to execute a Right-of-Way Compensation Agreement with TXI Operations, LP, for rights-of-way and easements needed in association with the Midlothian Development Authority’s VV Jones Road realignment and reconstruction project.

A resolution authorizing Jazz Under the Stars, an outdoor concert hosted by the Midlothian High School Jazz Band scheduled for Friday, May 5, 2023, in accordance with zoning requirements for Special Events as established by the City of Midlothian Zoning Ordinance was approved.

A resolution authorizing the Midlothian Police Department to apply for a General Victim Assistance Grant Program, Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant from the State of Texas Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office also authorized the City Manager to accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant, an Interlocal Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the City of Bonham, an agreement with Bull-G Construction, LLC from Houston, Texas, for the 2022-2023 Fire Hydrant Annual Contract Program in a base bid amount of $68,350.00 plus a 10% contingency of $6,835.00 for a total project amount not to exceed $75,185.00.

An agreement with S-Co, Inc. from Jewett, Texas for the 7th Street Alley Water and Sanitary Sewer Line Project in a base bid amount of $171,197.00 plus a 10% contingency of $17,119.70 for a total project amount not to exceed $188,316.70.

Permission to act upon a bid award to Day Services, L.L.C., for the 600 feet of 18” Water Line Project on North Shiloh Road from the west side of Highway 67 to the east side of Highway 67, in a base bid of $400,088.00 plus additive alternate bid of $60,627.00 for a total of $460,715.00 plus contingency funds in the amount of $46,071.50, for a total project amount not to exceed $506,786.50 was also approved.