Harris, Salgado Earned Cedar Hill ISD Education Foundation Grants

adults and students holding cardboard check
Photo courtesy CHISD

(CEDAR HILL, TEXAS) The Cedar Hill ISD Education Foundation presented two grants on Monday, January 30.

Collegiate Academy & High School Librarian Allison Salgado earned her second $10,000 Grant in the past three months, and Plummer Elementary Second Grade Teacher Terri Harris earned a $1,000 Grant for the campus’ STEM Club.

Salgado was presented with a $10,000 Grant for a Pop Up Library at Collegiate Academy & High School. Last fall, Salgado – who is also the Librarian at Collegiate Prep Elementary – earned a $10,000 Grant to increase Collegiate Prep’s library inventory.

Salgado she was surprised to learn about the second grant on January 30.

“Our Pop Up Library is going to be a kind of ‘Library on Wheels’ around the campus,” Salgado said. “We have two great shelves on wheels already and were able to put some books on it. We are hoping to get a working library going at the campus by the end of the school year. I can’t wait to start building this library for them.”

Allison Salgado holding cardboard check
Photo courtesy CHISD

Harris, who was a finalist for Cedar Hill ISD STEM Teacher of the Year last spring, said the grant will boost Plummer’s after-school STEM Program.

“I felt overwhelmingly grateful,” Harris said. “With budget challenges for extracurricular activities, I am glad that my scholars will get some much needed updated technology.”