Ellis County Resolution Supports Governor Securing Border

Ellis County Judge Todd Little
Ellis County Judge Todd Little Photo credit Ellis County

Ellis County, TX – On August 23rd, the Ellis County Commissioners’ Court unanimously passed a resolution calling upon and supporting the Governor to utilize all available military and law enforcement resources to secure the southern border. Ellis County joins nearly 20 other communities across Texas that have passed similar resolutions, but as of August 23rd, it is the largest county to have done so.

Article IV, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution establishes the Governor as “Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State,” which may be called upon “to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions.” The organized human trafficking and drug smuggling operations conducted by international cartels across the southern border “may constitute an invasion,” the Ellis County resolution states, and has “resulted in a humanitarian disaster with overwhelming consequences to the residents of Texas.”

The open border represents “a systematic trespass against our sovereignty by individuals and groups that prey upon the innocent,” wrote County Judge Todd Little in the resolution’s endorsement letter to Governor Abbot. “This is unacceptable for Texas, and our resolution encourages the use of all lawfully available authority to defend the State of Texas and her citizens.”

“The consequences of our porous southern border have a felt impact in Ellis County,” said Sheriff Brad Norman. “Our incidents of human trafficking and illegal narcotics seizures are amongst just a few of the increased impacts we are seeing. The human toll and financial burden created as a result of our open southern border is not sustainable and needs to be fixed!”

At the August 25th Commissioners’ Court meeting, over two hours were spent allowing members of the public to comment on the resolution, with most visitors speaking in favor. The resolution, which was originally introduced by Judge Little and Commissioner Paul Perry, was adopted 5-0 and will remain in effect until terminated by the court.