June 12, 2020 – Please note according to DSHS-this breaks down to 11 new cases on June 11 and 8 new cases today. However, DSHS did not report their cases to Ellis County health authority yesterday.
The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has notified the Ellis County Local Health Authority of 19 additional confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and 3 recoveries. This increases the countywide total to 463 cases of COVID-19, including 338 recoveries. As numbers continue to rise, Emergency Management asks the community of Ellis County to please continue to be sanitary and cautious to mitigate the risks of COVID-19.
As of today, DSHS reports 7,093 tests administered in Ellis County. These updates can be found on their website at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/additionaldata/ .
Additional cases of COVID-19:
- 16 year-old male, 18 year-old male, and 36 year-old male of the same household
- 44 year-old female
- 46 year-old female and 51 year-old male of the same household
- 58 year-old female and 59 year-old male of the same household
Red Oak-
- 20 year-old male
- 44 year-old female
- 29 year-old female
- 29 year-old male and 31 year-old female of the same household
- 51 year-old male
- 62 year-old female
- 57 year-old female of Pleasant Manor Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- 75 year-old male of Pleasant Manor Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- 83 year-old female of Pleasant Manor Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- 84 year-old male of Pleasant Manor Healthcare & Rehabilitation