Dog Man: The Musical is a hilarious, heartfelt family adventure based on the worldwide bestselling series by Dav Pilkey (creator of Captain Underpants and Cat Kid Comic Club). The musical will run Jan. 11-28 at the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre in the AT&T Performing Arts Center.
Plot Synopsis
Best buds George and Harold have been creating comics for years, but now that they’re in 5th grade, they figure it’s time to level up. They set out to write a musical based on their favorite character, Dog Man–the crime-biting sensation. He’s part dog, part man, and All Hero! How hard could writing a musical be?
With the head of a dog and the body of a policeman, Dog Man loves to fight crime and chew on the furniture. But while trying his best to be a good boy, can he save the city from Flippy the cyborg fish and his army of Beasty Buildings? Can he catch Petey, the world’s most evil cat, who’s cloned himself to exact revenge on the doggy do-gooder? Will George and Harold finish their show before lunchtime?
Bring the family to find out in this epic musical adventure featuring the hilarity and heart of Dav Pilkey’s beloved characters. Dog Man: The Musical is a TheaterWorksUSA production, with book and lyrics by Kevin Del Aguila, music by Brad Alexander, and direction and choreography by Jen Wineman. Audiences and critics alike have praised the musical.
Dog Man: The Musical Fun for All
“You have to love a family show that makes adults laugh, too.”–The New York Times.
“So @HamiltonMusical was a game-changer for Broadway shows. It was new, fresh, different, brilliant, etc. I put #DogManTheMusical in the same category. What a great way to introduce young people to the stage with something to which they can relate.” – Craig, DOG MAN: THE MUSICAL fan on Twitter
“Non-stop enjoyment from beginning to end.”–Plays To See
All performances of Dog Man the Musical will be at the Wyly Theatre, AT&T Performing Arts Center, 2400 Flora Street in the Dallas Arts District. The show runs 90 minutes, with one 15 minute matinee. Both daytime matinees and evening performances are scheduled during the show’s run. Tickets for the musical are priced from $35-$75. For more information, including details on select performances available for student field trips, please visit