Duncanville PLAN 2040

Comprehensive Plan will serve as a roadmap for growth, development, and decision making for the community; many opportunities planned for input.

DUNCANVILLE, TX – The City of Duncanville is excited to announce the launch of our comprehensive plan update – Duncanville 2040. The planning process accounts for a full year of data analysis, community leadership interviews, public surveying, and multiple opportunities for public engagement in plan development. The resulting plan will serve as a decision-making framework for future resource allocation, program and project development, and policymaking in the City.

A ten-member steering committee comprised of residents, business owners, City staff, and representatives from the Duncanville City Council is facilitating the process. Steering committee members will meet monthly for the duration of the planning process to analyze demographic and market data, hear from residents and stakeholders, and craft a set of strategies to move the community toward our shared vision.

Engagement from the public is critical to shaping elements of the plan. To provide information on the planning process, the City launched the comprehensive plan website (; which will house a wide range of information on the plan, including draft reports, meeting notes, and announcements of upcoming events.

To kick off the public engagement strategy, the steering committee is launching a communitywide survey, and a survey targeting high school seniors to gather input on community priorities for the planning process. Interested participants can find the surveys on the plan website. Additionally, the first public workshop for the planning process is set to be held on December 2nd from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Duncanville Fieldhouse (1700 S. Main St., Duncanville, TX 75137). All are encouraged to drop-in anytime during the workshop to share your views on Duncanville’s challenges and opportunities.

“Great communities don’t happen by accident,” said City Manager Douglas Finch. “Intentional, proactive decision making, toward a shared vision for the community is critical to our success. I encourage all residents and stakeholders to actively participate in the planning process.”

The comprehensive planning effort is funded by the Duncanville Community and Economic Development Corporation. As part of the planning process, an integrated economic development strategy – focusing on growth and diversification of the business community – is also underway.