Best Southwest Partnership 7th Annual R.E.D. Summit “S.T.E.A.M. Rolling Toward Prosperity”

RED summit flyer

Lancaster, TEXAS – The Best Southwest Partnership (BSWP) is hosting its annual Regional Economic Development (R.E.D.) Summit on Friday, May 19, 2023, at a unique and exciting location this year: Commemorative Air Force Hangar at Lancaster Regional Airport, located at 650 Ferris Road, Lancaster, Texas, 75146.


The purpose of the R.E.D. Summit is to showcase Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics-related developments in the member cities, and to highlight S.T.E.A.M focused academic initiatives from the member school districts.


This year’s event will feature two panel discussions related to workforce and economic development. Bell Flight will be hosting a panel on the workforce and skills needed to support the production of Bell’s V-280 Valor Tiltrotor. The company was recently awarded the federal contract to develop the V-280 as the U.S. Army’s next Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft.

The second panel will feature companies located in the Best Southwest region – Kodiak, thredUP, LGS, Waymo, and Skybox – and they will discuss their impact on the economy and workforce needs. Mr. Matt Carlson, the Executive Director of the DeSoto Economic Development Corporation, and Mr. Gus Garcia, the Director of Economic Development for the City of Duncanville, will serve as the respective moderators of the panels.


To Learn More about the Best Southwest Partnership: Best Southwest Partnership


“To Join Communities Under Shared Growth Objectives, Uplifting The Region Together”

Located in Southwest Dallas and Northern Ellis County, the Best Southwest is a Partnership is comprised of the communities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville, Lancaster and Associate membership with Ferris, Glenn Heights, Hutchins, Ovilla, Wilmer, and Balch Springs. With a rapidly expanding residential and business base, this area is a hot spot for economic development.

The Best Southwest offers a topographical paradise of beautiful hillsides, lush natural landscapes, and Lake Joe Pool. We like to call our area The Dallas Hill Country. There’s nothing like it in all the Metroplex. You’ll have to see it to believe it!


More About the Best Southwest Partnership:

The two-county Best Southwest Partnership region is a dynamic and growing area of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. The communities of Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville and Lancaster have been joined by Ferris, Glenn Heights, Hutchins, Ovilla, Wilmer and Balch Springs to partner in promoting the advantages and benefits of living in and investing in Southern Dallas County and Northern Ellis County.


The Best Southwest Partnership was formed in 1986 by four cities – Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Duncanville and Lancaster. There are 10 city partners and 19 other partners that include hospitals, colleges and universities, banks, utilities, and other businesses, all interested in improving the quality of life in this region, thereby promoting economic development.