Texas Moves Into Phase 2 With More Businesses Opening

Texas Phase 2 reopening

If you’ve been eagerly awaiting your favorite restaurant or bar to reopen, Governor Abbott has good news for you. Today, he announced Texas is ready to move into Phase 2 of reopening. On Friday, restaurants can increase capacity to 50%; bars and wine tasting rooms can open at 25% capacity. It’s important to note restaurants with outdoor seating aren’t counted in the occupancy numbers as long as customers can be seated six feet apart.

Abbott noted, “Our fatality rate is one of the lowest rate in America… we are getting through this.” He also said, his plans have been “unanimously supported by our team of medical experts.”

Phase 2 Also Allows For:

Childcare facilities may reopen immediately

All summer camps, day and overnight camps can reopen on May 31

Effective May 22, 2020, bowling alleys, bingo halls, simulcasting, and skating rinks may operate up to 25% of their total listed occupancy

Effective May 29, 2020, zoos, and effective May 22, 2020, aquariums, natural caverns, and similar facilities, may operate up to 25% of the total listed occupancy (or, for zoos, 25 percent of the normal operating limits as determined by the zoo owner)

On May 22, 2020, individuals may engage in, and sponsors may put on, rodeos and equestrian events. Spectators are allowed, as long as indoor venues limit the number of spectators to no more than 25% of the total listed occupancy of the venue, and outdoor venues may operate at up to 25% of the normal operating limits as determined by the facility owner.

Effective May 31, 2020, youth sports may begin holding practices without spectators. One parent or guardian per participant allowed, as needed. Those sports may begin holding games or similar competitions, with or without spectators, on or after June 15, 2020. Spectators should maintain at least 6 feet social distancing from individuals not within the spectator’s group

Professional sports in Texas can resume on May 31 WITHOUT spectators

In-person summer school can begin on June 1

The Governor’s task force has guidelines and requirements that must be followed by business reopening.

While the number of COVID-19 cases have recently increased across the state, Abbott attributes that to more testing. Abbott said the state can average about 25,000 tests a day at about 600 testing facilities across Texas.