The cold front we’ve been waiting for is slowly moving our way and will make for a decent weekend…before triple digits return next week.

The cold front is slowly moving through North Texas this morning, and should make it through our area around 5-6 pm this evening. We’ll reach 102°-103°, with cooler temps in farther north thanks for more clouds coming off a disturbance in Oklahoma and earlier frontal passage. A shower or two is possible this evening/tonight, but anything that does develop will be very isolated. Tomorrow we’ll be cooler in the mid-upper 90’s, then the upper 90’s Sunday.

Starting Monday the dome of high pressure returns – though the hottest parts of it will be northwest of us, so we shouldn’t be quite as hot as we were last week. I have us in the low 100’s Monday Tuesday, then closer to the mid 100’s Wednesday for the peak. I’ll be watching for the next break from the heat, so stay tuned and enjoy the cooler temps this weekend!