TEA Says Guidance To Come Later This Week
Today’s announcement by Governor Abbott is sending shockwaves across Texas, as local leaders and superintendents scramble to respond. The million dollar question: what will TEA require and or allow school districts to enforce when it comes to masks?
Statement from the Texas Education Agency:
“Governor Abbott’s Executive Order (GA-34) takes effect next Wed., March 10, 2021. Updated public health guidance from TEA will be coming this week.”
DeSoto ISD Continue Current Mask Policy For Now
On Tuesday, March 2, Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order that increases facility capacity to 100% and lifts the statewide mask mandate beginning Wednesday, March 10.
The safety of our students, staff and families will always be a top priority. DeSoto ISD is currently assessing and evaluating how this will affect the district’s safety and health protocols. Until then, we ask that students and staff continue to follow our current practices.
Duncanville ISD
Message from Superintendent Dr. Marc Smith
Duncanville ISD family,
We are aware that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that he is lifting a statewide face mask order and no longer setting business capacity limits starting next Wednesday.
Duncanville ISD will maintain the current safety measures developed this school year to slow the spread of COVID-19. At this time, those safety protocols include continuing to require face masks be worn by staff, students and anyone who enters our school facilities.
This decision is aligned with guidance provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) today.
My staff and I will continue to listen to our community, evaluate data and seek guidance from Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins and the county health experts. We will use that information to make decisions in the best interest of students and staff. I appreciate your patience and support as we work together.
Midlothian ISD Responds To Abbott’s Executive Order GA 34
Midlothian ISD released the following: “This afternoon, Gov. Abbott issued Executive Order GA 34 effective Wednesday, March 10.
While Midlothian ISD is waiting for further guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Commissioner Morath and our local health authority, our district continues to require all staff and students to continue wearing masks and following our current health and safety protocols until Wednesday, March 10. Currently, we are operating under the health protocols found in the guidance by TEA.
As soon as Texas school districts receive more information from the TEA and our local health authority, we will keep you informed of any changes that might occur beginning March 10.”
Cedar Hill ISD Superintendent Continues Mask Requirement
March 2, 2021
Dear Longhorn Nation,
You may have learned that the state government lifted the mask mandate this afternoon. In doing so, they also gave cities, counties and school districts the opportunity to continue the mask requirement as they see fit.
Here at Cedar Hill Independent School District, we certainly believe the mask requirement should continue for the foreseeable future.
The masks have allowed us to return to a semblance of normalcy. They have prevented COVID-19 cases and allowed in-classroom learning to begin and thrive.
We believe in taking care of scholars, staff and their families. We need to be mindful of the health and well-being of others.
As we plan for the 2021-2022 school year, we understand that social distancing is a key component for CHISD.
I will be grateful for the day when we no longer have to wear masks, but we will not suspend this necessary public health measure until the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other medical leaders deem it safe.
Dr. Gerald B. Hudson
Superintendent of Schools
Cedar Hill ISD
Red Oak ISD Awaits Guidance From TEA
“Today, Governor Greg Abbott lifted the State mandates effective Wednesday, March 10 allowing businesses to return to 100% occupancy and no mandatory masks.
While Red Oak ISD is waiting on further guidance from TEA Commissioner Morath, we are asking all staff and students to continue following our current safety protocols including social distancing and required masks through Friday, March 12.
We will send updates as quickly as decisions are made for returning to school after Spring Break.”