“Last Ship to Proxima Centauri” is Kitchen Dog Theater’s world premiere of the play by Greg Lam, as they continue their season of celebrating playwrights of color. The space fantasy will stream Feb. 25-March 24.
Plot Synopsis: The Earth has become uninhabitable. The last escape ship from Earth (Seattle, to be exact) arrives to their new home centuries after all the others. They are not prepared for what they find there: A planet full of unimpressed people of color who are not happy to see them. The dark science fiction comedy asks us to examine 21st Century America, including white supremacy and cultural appropriation, through the lens of futurist neo-colonialism some 2000 years after the end of Must-See TV.
KDT Co-Artistic Director Tina Parker
KDT Co-Artistic Director Tina Parker will direct and act in “Last Ship to Proxima Centauri,” KDT’s first mainstage production of their 30th anniversary season. Parker is joined in the cast by KDT Artistic Company Members Lee George,, Liza Marie González, Max Hartman, and Mark Tam Quach. The production team is comprised of KDT Co-Artistic Director Christopher Carlos as assistant director and Cindy Ernst-Godinez for prop design/assistant set design. Jeremy Escobar (Stage Manager/Technical Director), Aaron Johansen (Light Design), Melissa Panzarello (Costume Design), and Danielle Georgiou (Choreography) are also featured.
The band Ancient Futures (Original Music/Sound Design) and Jocelyn Girigorie (Set Design) are also included on the production team. Since the play features multiple languages and dialects, a dialect/language team has been assembled with KDT Co-Artistic Director Christopher Carlos (Spanish), KDT Artistic Company Members Heidi Shen and Mike Wang (Mandarin) and Kayodè Soyemi (Yoruba). Karve Media, a company founded by KDT Artistic Company Member Jonathan Taylor, will serve the film production crew. KDT Managing Director Tim Johnson is the Covid19 Compliance Officer for the production.
Greg Lam is a playwright, screenwriter, and board game designer who recently moved to the Bay Area after a lifetime in the Boston area. He is co-creator of the “Boston Podcast Players” podcast (bostonpodcastplayers.com) Boston’s virtual podcast stage for new works by local playwrights. He is also co-founder of the Asian-American Playwright Collective.
Last Ship to Proxima Centauri
His “Last Ship to Proxima Centauri” received readings by Company One and Fresh Ink Theatre in 2019 and Kitchen Dog Theater in 2020. In 2019, he was named a fellow in the Dramatic Arts by the Mass Cultural Council and the inaugural Pao Fellow of the Company One PlayLab. Greg was a member of the 2016 Company One PlayLab Unit for the development of Boston area playwrights. His works have been produced by Company One, Fresh Ink Theatre, Pork Filled Productions, The Depot, The Boston Theatre Marathon, Open Theatre Project, and Post Meridian Radio Theatre plus many others. For information, visit https://greglam.wixsite.com/home.
This performance contains adult language. A multi-camera filmed theatrical experience streams directly to a patron’s computer or TV Feb. 25-March 14. After purchasing their ticket, priced at $15, patrons receive a single use, non-sharable link to the performance. The link is available up to 48 hours after opening. A Kitchen Dog season ticket ($50), offers patrons one ticket to both mainstage plays in the 30th anniversary season, plus four New Festival events. Subscriber-only discounts to all season Pop-Up events are also included.
Kitchen Dog Theater
For tickets and more information, please visit kitchendogtheater.org or call the box office at 214-953-1055. Kitchen Dog Theater is supported, in part, by the City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture, Communities Foundation of Texas, and Dallas Tourism Public Improvement District. Additional support by Del Shores Foundation, Fichtenbaum Charitable Trust, Harold Simmons Foundation, March Family Foundation, and Moody Fund for the Arts. National Endowment for the Arts, National New Play Network, The Shubert Foundation, Sullivan Perkins, TACA, Texas Commission on the Arts, and Texas Instruments Foundation are also supporters.