Former Ellis County Sheriff Chuck Edge Wants the County Judge Seat  

Chuck Edge signing paper
Photo credit Edge for Ellis

‘I will quit kicking the can down the road’

ELLIS COUNTY – You have likely heard his name in and around Ellis County, Chuck Edge.

Edge is running against current Ellis County Judge Todd Little for that seat in the March Primary, which is fast approaching.

Edge, out of Milford, was most recently the Ellis County Sheriff appointed in 2017 to finish the term of Johnny Brown who resigned.

He has also been in law enforcement with the City of Waxahachie among other LEO positions around the state during his long career.

He made the decision to run for Ellis County Judge because, “I am not satisfied with many things taking place in our country, our state and our county. I don’t want to see it continue and get stronger in Ellis County.  I can sit back and gripe, or I can get up and try to do something about it; I chose the latter.”

Understanding How Everything Works Together

As a former sheriff, Edge said he believes this knowledge will translate to the County Judge well because he not only understands how city governments work, but how it all must work together. He said he has a strong grasp of the budgeting process and tax revenue as well.

“Additionally, the County Judge serves as the Emergency Management Director for the county, and I have extensive training and experience in the emergency manage field,” he added delving right into the issue on everyone’s mind; COVID-19.

“We are in a different time now than before,” Edge explained. “We know more about it, we have a vaccine, and some systems are already in place, that being said, we do need to make sure that factual information is passed on in a timely manner. We need to give the citizens the information and if necessary, the proper equipment so that they can make responsible decisions for themselves.”

Guided by the US Constitution & Texas Constitution

Edge, who identifies as a constitutional conservative also added “We don’t know what the future holds with regards to COVID, or government intervention into our lives, but as your County Judge, I will always go by the US constitution and the Texas constitution in making my decisions.”

He continued, “I believe I am an effective leader.  I have had success in bringing together the necessary people and gather the needed information in order to make the most informed decisions that will most benefit the citizens and visitors of Ellis County.  I have always remembered what President Truman once said, “It is amazing what you can accomplish, when you don’t care who gets the credit.”

Edge also lives in rural Ellis County. He said that while he made a career working for cities, he has always lived in the country. With that in mind he added “I understand the needs, wants, and desires of the people that live in the rural areas, and don’t want those citizens forgotten about as we continue to grow. I have seen several instances where needs of the county are treated by “kicking the can down the road. Sooner or later that is going to catch up to you and the proper fix is going to be more expensive.”

When asked what changes he is planning to make “immediately” if elected and what changes does he see down the road he concluded “Understand that “immediately” is an interesting word in this context. There is a lot that can happen between the Primary Election date of March 1st, and swearing in on January 1st of 2023,” however, he said whether it is now or later he knows for sure “I will quit kicking the can down the road.”