Free Seminar: How To Live Triumphantly to the End..of your time” at First Baptist Church Lancaster
A timely free seminar that offers advice of special value for senior adults and their families will be held at the First Baptist Church in Lancaster April 21. The recent death of former First Lady Barbara Bush has focused the nation’s attention on the need to make these decisions.
The seminar will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and include short, informative talks by 12 experts. “How to Live Triumphantly to the End…of Your Time” participants include an attorney, financial agent, dentists, long-term care facility, rehab, hospice, home health, real estate, funerals, dementia, home maintenance and other information. Each expert will have either 15, 20 or 25-minutes to share their information.
The professionals participating in the seminar are:
1. Dr. Dan Griffin, pastor First Baptist Church Lancaster, whose topic is “The Talk” with adult children.
2. Kim Lopez, Alzheimers Association, will discuss Alzheimers and dementia.
3. Stephen Allen, owner of Allenaire, will discuss home maintenance.
4. Debbie Jones, Hale Law Firm, legal issues.
5. Neal Balance, Edward Jones: financial considerations and preparations.
6. Margie Waldrop, president, Profile Real Estate, on real estate questions.
7. Jeff Lemmond, director, Byrumm funeral Home – final instructions.
8. Dr. Charlie Waldrop, retired MD; Ann Huneryager; and Nancy Wilkerson of Sunrise Home Health will discuss home health questions.
9. Dentists Dr. Will Stark, retired; Dr. Rick Stephens, office in Midlothian; and Dr. Greg Stroud, office in Lancaster; on “Why Continue Seeing a Dentist?”
10. Daniel Smith, Methodist Rehabilitation Hospital presents Why Rehab/Therapy are Important.
11. Sarah Drew-Watson, Grace Presbyterian Village. Long Term Care/Assisted Living.
12. Beth Giniewicz, Faith Hospice, “Know More About What Questions to Ask.”
The event is organized by Dr. Dan Griffin, pastor of First Baptist Lancaster. He said, “Like cleaning out the garage or doing our taxes, we all procrastinate when it comes to our own final preparations. Everyone needs this seminar to prod us into action.”
There will be no sales pitches from these professionals, and due to time constraints, there will be no questions allowed during the sessions. However, there will be a table displaying business cards and brochures from the professionals available for pick up. There will also be two breaks when questions are allowed.
To participate in the free seminar, call the church office at 972-227-2175 to reserve a seat. The First Baptist Church is located at 305 E. Third Street in Lancaster, two blocks off the square.