COVID-19 Sets A New Record In Dallas County
Dallas County Health and Human Services report 1,085 additional positive COVID-19 cases today. This brings the total case count in Dallas County to 23,675, including 393 deaths.
“Today we reached 1,000 new cases for the first time and are reporting six deaths. So far this week, we’ve seen a jump in the average number of daily cases from 451 last week to 680 this week and have recorded 42 deaths, our deadliest week thus far. Remember that because it is taking up to 10 days to get back much of the test results, the situation we are seeing with the rise in positive cases is not what is happening today, but what was happening a week or more ago.
It is imperative that we do not repeat the spike in cases we saw after Easter/Passover and Memorial Day. Please celebrate the 4th of July with your household only, meaning those you are around and in close contact with daily. Please do not celebrate the 4th of July with extended family or friend groups, and if you must be around other people, always wear a mask.
Explosive Surge In Community Spread
We are entering into a very critical time in the fight against COVID-19 and are seeing an explosive surge in community spread. It’s up to all of us to #FlattenTheCurve by avoiding crowds and wearing a mask. You can get more information at, and again, please do not celebrate the 4th of July in crowds or with extended family and friends. I know this is very disappointing and we all have traditions and things that we enjoy on the 4th of July, but it is necessary to control the spread,” said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.
We continue to see high numbers of COVID-19 inpatients in Dallas County with 513 COVID-19 patients in acute care for the period ending Thursday, July 2. Additionally, the number of emergency room visits for COVID-19 like symptoms in Dallas County continues to be high with 619 emergency room visits in the 24 hour period ending Thursday, July 2, which represents 40 percent of all emergency department visits in Dallas County according to information reported to the North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council. These numbers continue to put tremendous strain on our health care facilities and providers.