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Case Z- 1502-23

The City of DeSoto Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing to consider Zoning Case Z-1502-23 to amend Planned Development-105 (PD-105) zoning district to add a medical clinic into the existing Walmart Store. The property is legally described as being Lot 1A, Block A, Walmart Heath Creek Addition. The property consists of 37.197 acres of land and is addressed as 951 W. Beltline Road. The applicant is Bohler Engineering and the property owner is Walmart Real Estate Business Trust. The public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission will be conducted on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. If the project is recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, the hearing before the City Council will be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2023.

Asunto Z-1502-23
La Comisión de Planificación y Zonificación de la Ciudad de DeSoto llevará a cabo una audiencia pública para considerar Zoning Case Z-1 502-23 para enmendar el distrito de zonificación de Desarrollo Planificado-105 (PD-105) para agregar una clínica médica a la tienda Walmart existente. La propiedad se describe legalmente como Lote 1A, Bloque A, Walmart Heath Creek Addition. La propiedad consta de 37.197 acres de tierra y se dirige como 951 W. Beltline Road.
El solicitante es Bohler Engineering y el dueño de la propiedad es Walmart Real Estate Business Trust. La audiencia pública ante la Comisión de Planificación y Zonificación se llevará a cabo el martes 25 de julio de 2023 a las 7:00 p.m. Si el proyecto es recomendado para su aprobación por la Comisión de Planificación, la audiencia ante el Concejo Municipal se llevará a cabo el martes 15 de agosto de 2023.

For meeting information go to the City website ( to view the agenda. If you have any questions regarding this case, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (972) 230-9624. This hearing will be held in the Council Chambers at Town Center, Suite A, 211 East Pleasant Run Road, DeSoto, Texas. The building in which the above meeting will be conducted is wheelchair accessible; spaces for the mobility impaired are available. Any request for sign interpretative services must be made forty-eight hours prior to the time of the meeting.

Arrangements for sign interpretative services may be made by calling the City Secretary at 972/230-9646 or by calling TDD-1-800-RELAYTX (1-800-735-2989).