September 16, 2024 City of Lancaster, Texas Notice of Public Hearings


City of Lancaster, Texas
Notice of Public Hearings

The City of Lancaster City Council will hold a Public Hearing at their regular meeting on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City of Lancaster Municipal Center, 211 North Henry, Lancaster, Texas 75146. The meeting will be for the purpose of conducting a public hearing and to consider a request to the following items:

Z24-23 Conduct a public hearing and consider a zoning change from Agricultural Open (AO) to Single Family Estates (SF-E). The property is addressed as 1530 S. Houston School Road, located south of the intersection of the intersection of Parkerville Road and South Houston School Road, being 1.80 acres out of Tract 28 and Tract 36 out of the G.W. Durrett Survey Abstract No. 389, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas

M24-50 Conduct a public hearing and consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use Map to change the land use from Rural Living to Logistics and Distribution on the property addressed as 2901 Nokomis Road being 73.380-acres out of Tract 7 out of the N.R. Winniford Survey, Abstract No. 1543, Pg. 225 and the John Eveens Survey Abstract No. 433, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

Z24-24 Conduct a public hearing and consider a request to change the zoning from Agricultural Open (AO) to a Planned Development (PD) with Data Center use on the property addressed as 2901 Nokomis Road being 73.380-acres out of Tract 7 out of the N.R. Winniford Survey, Abstract No. 1543, Pg. 225 and the John Eveens Survey, Abstract No. 433, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

M24-53 Conduct a public hearing and consider a request for an ordinance granting a special exception to the landscape requirements per Section 804(b)(1) required site landscaping and Section 804(c)(2) internal parking lot landscaping of the north side of the parking lot, for the property addressed as 723 W. Pleasant Run Road, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

M24-43 Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance granting a special exception to the maximum building height requirement of 45 feet in the Mixed Density Residential Sub-District of the Medical District Overlay to allow a 56-foot tall building, addressed as 1459 Park Circle Drive, being 1.47 acres out of the Beckley City Lots, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

The Public is invited to attend this meeting and/or express opinions in writing to City Council, P.O. Box 940, Lancaster, Texas 75146. Please call the City of Lancaster Planning Division at (972) 218 1315 with any other questions.

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