Lancaster Town Hall Comprehensive Plan open house set for June 1

Lancaster open house

LANCASTER – The City of Lancaster will hold its community-wide Town Hall meeting update regarding its Comprehensive Plan on Saturday, June 1.

Residents and stakeholders are invited to join the community-wide open house to learn more about the city’s proposed future and to offer input.

The event is also an opportunity to learn more about “Lancaster Looking Forward,” with an eye toward how the city is shaping its future and the understanding that resident involvement and approval are critical.

With the city’s residents’ and stakeholders’ input being crucial, Lancaster’s upcoming comprehensive plan open house is meant to elicit the necessary feedback on the plan’s guiding principles.

Lancaster Mayor Clyde C. Hairston said, “The goal of our comprehensive plan is to articulate Lancaster’s vision and core values. It also serves to provide policy guidance and outline actionable steps to achieve these goals. Lancaster is a shining star in our region, and this plan will help us continue to grow and thrive while staying true to our community’s aspirations.”

The “Lancaster Looking Forward” website outlines the Comprehensive Plan as key to providing policy guidance and implementation actions necessary to Lancaster’s successful future. The website also outlines the status of the Comprehensive Plan and what has been done so far while offering the ability to view presentations involving the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.

Steering Committee presentations began almost a year ago on June 22, 2023, and six additional meetings have been held since then: in August, September, and December 2023 and January, March, and April 2024.

Attendees at the open house can review information about the plan, ask questions about the process, learn about how the citizen-led steering committee operates, and provide valuable feedback to help shape the city’s future planning efforts.

Key points to the highlights of the comprehensive plan handouts state the council’s goals for Lancaster to be the “shining star of Texas” where residents can prosper, live, learn, work, and play.

How that will be implemented is unclear, but the comprehensive plan is the desired roadmap and touts the city’s financial soundness, quality development, offering of a healthy, safe, and engaged community, professional and committed city workforce, and sound infrastructure.

The community-wide town hall meeting will be informal, come-and-go, with Lancaster residents having the opportunity to visit various stations to learn more and ask questions. Each station will provide detailed information about the plan.

City staff is eager to receive residents’ thoughts and opinions, which will be used by city staff, the citizen steering committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council to craft the policies and objectives of the future plan.

Comprehensive Plan Town Hall Open House
WHEN: Saturday, June 1st  10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Lancaster Recreation Center, 1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway

For those who cannot attend the June 1st open house in person, a virtual Open House will be available on the plan website from June 1st to June 8th.

For more information on this event and how to participate, go to