Ellis County Sees Increase In ICU Patients Due To COVID-19

COVID-19 update graphic

When checking the Ellis County COVID-19 dashboard for updates this evening, at first glance, it seemed like good news, 108 active cases. While even one positive is bad, the 108 is down from our last report of 145 (September 30). But, then we noticed seven of the thirteen patients in ICU are COVID-19 patients.

Ellis County only has 18 ICU beds, and thirteen of those are currently occupied. With flu season beginning and vehicle accidents on the rise, we’d all prefer to see more availability vs. less. In addition, there are also 13 hospital beds in the MedSurg units currently occupied by COVID-19 patients.

So, while COVID-19 spread doesn’t seem to be increasing significantly, one wonders are the cases becoming more severe?

Active case count breakdown by city: Ennis 20 active cases, Ferris 5 active cases, Glenn Heights 6 active cases, Italy 3 active cases, Midlothian 22 active cases, Palmer 1 active case, Red Oak 18 active cases, Waxahachie 31 active cases and two cases listed as unknown.

Deaths due to COVID-19 in Ellis County are still being reported as 39. Estimated total recoveries in Ellis County are reported as: 4,375.

Ennis ISD shows five active student cases and two staff cases. Ferris ISD shows 13 active COVID-19 cases.

Midlothian ISD COVID-19 dashboard as of 10/5/2020 shows eleven active COVID-19 cases. Two cases at JA Vitovsky, one at Longbranch Elementary, one at Mt. Peak Elementary, three at Dietrich Middle School, one at Walnut Grove Middle School, one at Heritage High and two at Midlothian High School.

Red Oak ISD reports seven active staff cases and 20 active student cases. Two cases at Schupmann Elementary, two at Red Oak Middle School, 14 at Red Oak High School and and two at ROISD ESC/other facilities.

Waxahachie ISD reports 6 active staff cases, 1 active student case.