Focus Daily News sent the following questions to ALL candidates running for Duncanville City Government. We do not edit the answers in any way and publish them exactly as they were submitted to us.
What are some things you would like to accomplish if elected?
I would like to see our bond projects (fire station, city and park facilities, roads) get completed. Also, let us maintain the course of continued improvements of our aging infrastructure and continued improvements in economic development and redevelopment. Further, we need to get the AMI project implemented. Lastly, we need to continue ensuring the safety of our community.
What other boards have you served on in this city?
I have served on the City Council for the past four (4) years. Of the current boards the City has instituted, I have participated with their actual events.
What previous community involvement have you participated in?
My community involvement is long and varied. Participation in the Duncanville 4th of July events started as a teenager and continue today with the Duncanville Lions Club in a variety of Officer roles plus serving as 4th of July Parade Chairperson. Other activities are: Coaching soccer teams, Church involvement at First Christian Church – Duncanville from Missions to Deacon to Elder to Board Chairperson and more, various Chamber of Commerce events, the Sandra Meadows Classic, Great American Shoot Out, served as Volunteer Coordinator for the Barbecue and Blues Festivals, building playgrounds in Duncanville, Project Graduation, Heart of Duncanville 5K, Operation Clean Duncanville, Park clean ups, Video and voice work with Duncanville Weekly News, eye screening clinics and more.
Do you think our main street/downtown Duncanville is healthy and successful? If not, what would you do to change that?
Our Main Street is somewhat successful. However, there is more to do. Redevelopment takes good visioning, planning and time. There was the Main Street vision, and we have the Comprehensive Plan in place. We have updated our zoning ordinances to align better with our plans. We have aligned City Hall better. We have incentives potentially available. Yet and importantly, we want to attract quality for our limited space.
Discuss your top three priorities.
It is essentially the same as the first question asked. Continue with infrastructure improvements, sustain and create more economic development/redevelopment opportunities to reduce the tax burden on our citizens, and continue to provide a safe City.
Do you think you have any personal or professional relationships that could become a conflict of interest?
No. If there was a potential of any conflict, then I would consult with the City Attorney and recuse myself.
What are residents telling you are the most important issues, and how would you address them?
The most important issues from residents are related to the safety of the community, the empty store spaces, green space related issues and quality restaurants. As mentioned in other responses, we have made changes to make these things possible.
How long have you lived in the City and what experience do you bring to the role which you feel sets you apart from your opponent?
The answer is simply a higher vision, greater experience, knowledge and skillset. I have grown up and lived the majority of my life in Southwest Dallas County. In Duncanville, I have been a resident 38 years. So with my involvement, I understand the history and culture of Duncanville. My experience in business, chiefly in Accounting and Finance, is a plus for our Budgeting and Planning, cost analysis process. Working for the State of Texas I have an understanding of the political climate and issues which we face locally. Lastly with my already serving on the Duncanville City Council, is my understanding the Councilmember role and working with others.
Do you feel it is important to encourage more community participation and involvement in local politics and how would you do that?
We do encourage community participation and involvement. I am a Town Hall proponent for the larger issues facing our Citizens. This will allow us to envision, learn and move forward together.
How will you be responsive to Citizens?
As the District 2 Incumbent, our public contact information is easily and readily available. The Covid-19 pandemic has made it more difficult to meet face to face, do Town Halls, etc… However, I have made myself available and responsive to our Citizens.
If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, how would you use those funds and why?
This is an interesting opportunity to consider because there are a number of needs, and it could be used quickly. My initial thought is for the new Fire Station. It would help with any shortfall since building materials have increased significantly and help complete a needed project. Plus, it has added benefit to spur more economic development/redevelopment along the Camp Wisdom corridor.
What is your favorite part of public service? Why? What is your least favorite and why?
My favorite part of Public Service is simply “To Serve”. I am believer in Servant Leadership. I enjoy meeting people and helping others. This is a City and Community I love, want it to do better for now and future generations. My least favorite is the misinformation and false narratives manufactured without fact checking which is self-explanatory.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
My family has been involved in Duncanville for decades to make it an enjoyable place to live and better community. While serving on the Duncanville City Council, The City of Champions has continued to move in a solid, good and positive direction. Our property tax rate has been lowered for each budget year while maintaining quality services. Also, our sales tax revenue has increased.
Also, I am a Strong Town proponent. My leadership, understanding of the critical issues plus having the needed skillset, knowledge and experience has been a benefit to those I represent in District 2 as well as the Citizens of Duncanville. Therefore, I am asking for your Vote.