Maintaining Safety Remains Top Priority For Park System
DeSoto Parks & Recreation has taken its next steps in a phased reopening of the park system designed to allow for increased activity by residents while exercising caution due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns.
Parks & Recreation has drawn from Governor Abbott’s guidelines and directives, as well as CDC and Dallas County Health guidelines, to reintroduce recreational opportunities with the safety of the DeSoto Community in mind.
The limited reopening of DeSoto’s Fitness Center inside of the Recreation Center after Memorial Day marked the first reopening phase. This was enhanced by the availability of open spaces and trails for public use.
On Monday, June 8, 2020, Parks & Recreation reopened the Recreation Center’s walking track and gymnasium, reactivated personal training, athletic practices, group exercises, and indoor leagues. The BMX Complex was also reopened as were playgrounds and restrooms. However, safety and operational concerns require that the Moseley Pool will remain closed this season.
Updates will be provided online at and join us on Facebook @desotorec.
If you have questions or concerns about our operations, please direct them to the Parks and Recreation Department via phone at 972-230-9655 or e-mail us at