According to the case line list provided by Texas Health Trace (THT) for July 2nd, there are 926 total cases of COVID-19 in Ellis County. Out of the 926 total cases, they are reporting 297 active cases and 610 recoveries. Number of fatalities in Ellis County remains steady at 19.
Ellis County states “To maintain transparency we will continue to provide information to the public as data is made available to us from the State of Texas. Please note this is a direct report from THT and it does not match the DSHS dashboard. The Ellis County Office of Emergency Management and DSHS public health region 2/3 are working together to resolve this issue.”
(THT) Texas Health Trace is a data management system that will allow for a coordinated statewide approach to the COVID-19 disease response, including contact tracing.
Texas DSHS Ellis County COVID-19 Data 7/2/2020
DSHS dashboard, as of 7/2/2020 shows Ellis County with a total of 901 cases. The dashboard shows 411 of those are active COVID-19 cases. DSHS reports 421 of those cases as recovered. Looking at those numbers there’s a discrepancy of 50 cases. Cumulative tests in Ellis County show 11,256.

Upcoming testing in Ellis County is available on July 9 & 10 in Ennis, TX; July 15 & 16 in Ferris, TX; and Maypearl on July 20.