Radium Girls, written by D. W. Gregory and directed by Kevin Paris, opens Nov. 9 at Duncanville Community Theatre. Performances will be Nov. 9-11 and Nov. 16-28 at 8 p.m., with a Sunday matinee performance at 3 p.m. on Nov. 12.
The powerful story is based on true events, and follows a woman’s fight for justice against the U.S. Radium Corporation. She fought them after she and other luminous watch dial painters became mysteriously ill. Serious, fast-moving and often humorous dialogue pits health against wealth.
Radium Girls Cast
One of the largest ensemble casts yet seen at a Duncanville Community Theatre production will be onstage in Radium Girls. Performers are: Brianna Roberts, Gabriele Smith, Samantha Turner, Kaitlyn Ferguson, Zoe Wilkerson, Molly Minyard, Wendy Acosta, Michael Taylor, and Christian Taylor. Randy Gomez, Joe Skrivanek, Vanessa Taylor, and Lorraine Mantei, and Carter McClung are also included.
The production crew includes Wendy Acosta, Production Manager; Anson Horton, Lighting Operator; and Samaya Sorez, sound operator. Master Carpenter is Joe Skrivanek, with set and lighting design by Kevin Paris and Sound Design by James McKey.
Amy Jackson is the Duncanville Community Theatre Executive Director, and Joe Skrivanek is Technical Coordinator. Heather Winkelman is Operations Assistant. Board members include Jerry Ayers, Danielle Franklin, Amy Jackson, and Janet Jordan. Kevin Paris, Polly Rains, Judy Smithey, Connie Walker, and Pat Weaver are also on the board.
Auditions Announced for Two Across
Auditions for the next Duncanville Community Theatre production, (Two Across, directed by Heather Winkelman) will be Dec. 11 and 12 at 7 p.m. at the Rita K. Annex, 226 W. Daniel. Performances will be Feb. 1-4 and 8-10.
Tickets for Radium Girls are 15 each for the evening performances, and $14 each for the matinee performance. They can be reserved by calling the box office at 972-780-5707 or emailing boxoffice@dctheatre.org. All performances are held at Duncanville Community Theatre, 106 South Main Street. For more information, please visit dctheatre.org.