Mayor proctor and Brandon Wright
Photo courtesy City of DeSoto

DeSoto Mayor Rachel L. Proctor held her Quarterly 360° Meeting for local HOA officials, apartment managers, and DeSoto residents on Thursday evening, August 31st, in the DeSoto City Council Chambers. She was joined by City Manager Brandon Wright, City Department Heads, and several members of the DeSoto City Council.


Thursday night’s 360° Meeting began with a welcome from the Mayor and an introduction of its participants. She then asked Charles Brewer, the Managing Director of Development Services to step up to the podium for a progress update for DeSoto’s Comprehensive Development Plan which will help shape the face of development in DeSoto for the next 10 -15 years. Mayor Proctor also asked Brewer to stay on and provide an update for the gathering on DeSoto’s Capital Improvement Street Projects.


After the detailed updates, Mayor Proctor opened up the gathering to questions and answers between participants and assembled officials. In addition to the Mayor and City Manager, questions were addressed by our Development Services Director, Parks Director, and a representative from Republic Services who dealt with several topics including the redevelopment of Hampton Road, traffic flow, brush pick-up, the hiring of new animal control officers, and dining options at the Senior Center.


This ability to raise issues and receive immediate responses has been one of the reasons that this quarterly meeting has been considered a success and has been taking place for decades. And because it is now held in the City Council Chambers, the meeting can be broadcast and reach a much wider portion of DeSoto.


“DeSoto’s HOA management teams and the residents who live within their developments are an extremely important part of our community, and my Quarterly 360° Meeting provides them with a forum to discuss the issues of importance to them and to receive my immediate feedback and helpful input from our City Management Team,” said Mayor Proctor. “Because this meeting produces information of value to the rest of our residents we also encourage the general public to attend or view the meeting online and on our municipal television channel.”


The Mayor’s 360° Quarterly Meetings are held each quarter and begin at 6:30 p.m. at 211 E. Pleasant Run Road. The next Mayor’s 360° Quarterly Meetings is scheduled for Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


You can view the agenda for Thursday’s meeting:


To view a video of Thursday night’s meeting on demand go to