Positive West Nile Trap In Mansfield, Spraying 9 /26 & 27

Mansfield Mosquito Spray Map

Due to positive West Nile mosquito test, the City of Mansfield will conduct targeted ground spraying. Spraying is expected to begin Saturday, Sept. 26 through Sunday, Sept. 27. Spraying will be conducted between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Please reference the map below showing the specific spray area. Please watch social media or check the City’s website for updates should there be a change in the spraying schedule due to weather.

All residents are encouraged to continue to follow the 4D’s of personal protection throughout the mosquito season regardless of surveillance results.

  • Dusk to Dawn – stay indoors when mosquitoes are active
  • Drain – standing water in your yard where water might collect in places like flower pots, toys, clogged rain gutters and wading pools
  • Dress – in light-colored long sleeves and pants
  • DEET – apply repellant when outdoors

Personal protection and elimination of breeding habitat are the best, most cost effective means of mosquito control. Individual residents are the only ones who can ensure these steps are taken.

Adult mosquito control procedures, particularly spraying of adulticides, should and will be considered a supplemental control measure of last resort.

Mosquito Truck spraying is used to (Per CDC):

  • Control and reduce the number of mosquitoes that can
    spread viruses.
  • Reduce your chances of getting infected with viruses.

What are mosquito control trucks spraying?
Mosquito control trucks spray very small amounts of insecticide into the
air to kill mosquitoes. This spray is a fine mist that acts as a fogger in
the area. Mosquito control districts or local government departments will
choose what type of insecticide to use in an area.

What does the insecticide spray do?
Adulticide sprays immediately kill flying mosquitoes. Larvicide sprays kill
mosquito larvae that hatch from eggs and lasts longer than adulticide
sprays. Both products will temporarily reduce mosquito populations in
an area, but will not permanently get rid of them.

When does spraying occur?
Spraying takes place in the early evening when mosquitoes are more
active. Often, local government agencies or mosquito control districts
announce the dates and times of spraying in the local newspaper, on
district websites, through public service announcements, by telephone,
or through door-to-door notices.

How often do communities spray?
After spraying, mosquito control districts or local government
departments will track mosquito populations and treat an area again as
necessary to reduce the chances of people getting bitten by mosquitoes
that can spread viruses.

Is the spray harmful to people, pets, animals, or the environment?
No, when done correctly, truck spaying will not harm people, pets,
animals, or the environment.

What should I do during or after spraying?
Spraying is safe. You do not need to leave an area when truck spraying
for mosquito control takes place. If you prefer to stay inside and close
windows and doors when spraying takes place you can, but it is not
necessary. If you are having any type of health problems after spraying,
contact your doctor or healthcare provider. The spray does not harm
pets, but you may choose to bring them inside when spraying occurs.