“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” the sophisticated and delightfully jazzy Broadway classic, runs July 21-30 as the second show of Garland Summer Musicals 2023 season. Patty Granville is producer of GSM, a position she has held since its inception. J. Alan Hanna will direct Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Scott A. Eckert as Music Director, Kelly McCain as Choreographer, and Caren Sharpe-Herbst as Assistant Director.
Performances are held in the Brownlee Auditorium of the Granville Arts Center, 300 North Fifth Street in downtown Garland. Tickets are available through the Granville Arts Center Box Office (garlandartsboxoffice.com), or by calling 972-205-2790.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Cast
Randy Pearlman as Lawrence, Steven Golin as Andre, Molly Robinson as Christine, Whitney Golin as Muriel, Brandon Wilhelm as Freddy, and Kynzi Gumm as Jolene are featured in the cast. Ensemble members include Connor Atwell, Sterling Beard, Charles Barry, Kayla Bryan, Alvaro Carranza, Adelina Clamser, and Breanna Cox. Others include Evelyn Dumeer, Linda Frank, Rowan Gilvie, Anthony Holmes, Ivan Jones, Justin Konopka, and George Lannan, Makenna Ostrom, Tyler Perring, Ryan Ramirez, Zoe Rech, Will Shafer, Caren Sharpe-Herbst, Emma Smith, Hayden Stewart, Andrea Tom, Emma Triana, Ashley Tysor, Robbie Voight, and Alli Wulfert are also in the ensemble.
Kelly Cox will design the set for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, with Costume Design by Michael Robinson and The Dallas Costume Shoppe. GSM staff includes Stage Manager -Andres Vasquez; Assistant Stage Manager-Jocelyn Wilcox; Sound Design- Jay Hogg; and Lighting Design-Jason Foster. Props Design & Set Dressing -Taylor Solice; Master Carpenter – Joe Murdock; Technical Director -Amanda Gonzales; and Brenda Rozinsky is the Assistant to the Producer.
Garland Summer Musicals Welcomes Volunteers
Volunteer opportunities are available in set design, technical roles, and for ushering and concessions sales at GSM. For more information, please contact info@garlandsummermusicals.org.
Garland Summer Musicals has provided both entertainment and educational opportunities to North Texas with annual summer musical productions since 1983. GSM encourages professional artists to work with aspiring performers of all ages to create a diverse theatre training and semi-professional production company. GSM produces two major musical classics each summer at the Granville Arts Center in downtown Garland, Texas, bringing Broadway Blockbuster entertainment to over 6,500 patrons each season. For more information, visit garlandsummermusicals.org.