DeSoto ISD Makes 2020-2021 School Decisions
DESOTO – The DeSoto ISD Trustees voted unanimously Monday night that September 8 will be the district’s first day of school. Staff presented two options to the trustees. Both options had the district’s start date on September 8 with option one having the last day of school being June 8, 2021.
The second option presented, and the option that passed, allows for the district’s last day of school to remain the current date of May 28, 2021. Option two is possible by adding 20 minutes to each school day.
The original presentation, which was given by Superintendent Dr. D’Andre J. Weaver’s staff in a 60-plus minute presentation outlined DeSoto ISD’s reopening plan called Reconnect Return to School Plan. This plan went into detail as to how a school day might look for a student in the upcoming school year.
With two options to attend school, the primary option was recommended as the “home supervised learning” option.
“We believe that is the safest place that a student and family can be in the situation,” staff explained. “We will do whatever is possible to make sure campuses run safely and follow guidelines, we know being home is the absolute safest.”
The “home supervised” option allows for teacher guided instruction, a teacher who is part of the learning in progress with access to small groups, project monitoring and support. The children who do opt for the “home supervised” will still have access to breakfast and lunch meals at distribution sites.
Campus Supervised Learning

The option of “campus-supervised learning” will look the same as “home supervised” and will be for families unable to support at-home learning. Teachers will offer guided instruction and the campus will offer a facilitator as well as access to computers.
It was noted the district is not planning to provide transportation to campus.
All educators will still be assigned to their schools. However, depending on an educator’s passion and strength they may have a different role in the upcoming school year.
It was also noted almost all labs will take place virtually.
Also changed were lab and half days, which were converted to full days. An added student holiday on Nov. 3 for Election Day was also included in the new school year calendar.
Teachers will return on August 14 to begin preparation for the new school year.
The Superintendent’s contract still on the agenda
The item regarding Dr. Weaver’s contract was once again on the agenda for the evening with no action. Four comments were voiced in Weaver’s favor. The board did appoint Dr. Don Hooper as the Inhouse Board appointed Conservator to assist in the district moving forward. This item passed 7 – 0.
The trustees went into a second Executive Session of the evening at 11:08 p.m. at the request of Trustee Aubrey Hooper, Place 5. Hooper was concerned that the hiring of a Chief Education Officer, Deputy Chief Academic Officer, Executive Director of CCMR & Grants, Director of Early Learning, Director of Bilingual, Director of Student Services, Principal of East Middle School, Principal of West Middle School and Principal of The Meadows Elementary School was being tabled until the next meeting in August. The board ended that session at 11:44 p.m. with no action.