City of Lancaster, Texas Notice of Public Hearings


City of Lancaster, Texas Notice of Public Hearings

The City of Lancaster City Council will hold a Public Hearing on the above referenced case at their meeting on Monday, September 25, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City of Lancaster Municipal Center, 211 North Henry, Lancaster, Texas 75146.

M23-32 Conduct a public hearing and consider a special exception to the City Code of Ordinances, Chapter 6- Reverse Frontage Lots, 6.07.006 (a) and 6.07.006 (b) to: 1) not meet the required 10-foot side yard setback along Westridge Ave to construct a fence on the property line; 2) have an 8-foot tall fence deviating from the 4-foot height maximum; and 3) not meet the fifty (50%) opaqueness requirement and have a hundred (100%) opaque fence, on the property addressed as 632 W. 5th St. known as Lot 1, Block 1, Westridge Acres Addition, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

M23-37 Conduct a public hearing and consider a special exception request to the 500-foot driveway spacing requirement outlined in Section 1-04 (D) (2) (d) of the General Construction Design Manual to allow a 425-foot driveway spacing on the property addressed as 2116 N Lancaster Hutchins known as Lot 1R, Block A, out of the Bilco Brick 2 Addition, City of Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas.

The Public is invited to attend these meetings and/or express opinions in writing to the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, P.O. Box 940, Lancaster, Texas 75146. Please call the City of Lancaster Planning Division at (972) 218 1312 with any other questions.