MIDLOTHIAN – Mid-Way Regional Airport, which serves Midlothian and Waxahachie, has had its Joint Airport Board relegated to advisory status over the past few months. At Tuesday night’s Midlothian City Council meeting, the council approved two new members to sit on this board to fill several vacant seats. The vacancies exist on the Joint Airport Board due to resignations.
Mayor Justin Coffman and Councilmembers Place 5 Ed Gardner and Place 6 Hud Hartson were members of the Nomination Subcommittee in Midlothian. The subcommittee nominated Ryan Anderson and Pete Setian, who were both unanimously approved, with Mayor Pro Tem Clark Wickliffe not in attendance at Tuesday night’s meeting.
There were four additional regular agenda items, three of which also passed unanimously, including an agreement for professional services with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. for engineering-related design and construction services associated with the Midlothian Conference Center/Creek Bend detention pond improvement project in an amount not to exceed $287,015 in cost, an agreement for professional services with Whitman Land Group, LLC for right-of-way and easement acquisition and related services associated with the McAlpin Road roadway capital improvement project in an amount not to exceed $168,060 in cost, and an agreement for Professional Services with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for conceptual design and related professional services for the 2024 Capital Utility Projects in an amount not to exceed $189,500 in cost.
The other item on the agenda, which was to authorize the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Parkhill for $388,250 for design and engineering costs associated with the Heritage Park expansion and downtown design improvements, was tabled indefinitely with a motion made by Mayor Coffman and approved unanimously by the city council.
Consent Agenda Passes Unanimously
All consent agenda items passed in one unanimous vote, including the approval of the minutes from January 9, 2024, city council meeting and a resolution providing for a General Election to be held to elect two councilmembers in the City of Midlothian including defining the term of office; designating the polling location(s) for the election; designating the election judge and providing for clerical personnel for the election; designating the time and place of the election; providing for a run-off election; and providing for the filing of applications for official ballots for the election. For 2024, Place 5 and Place 6 seats are on the ballot in the May election.
Also approved was an agreement with Insituform Technologies, Inc. (Insituform) of Corinth, Texas, for the 2023-2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Services at the Southeast trunk line utilizing the BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative for an estimated cost of $225,000.
A public hearing to consider an ordinance change at a property on U.S. Highway 67, east of South Wyatt Road, was approved for +/-29.001 acres presently zoned Single Family One Zoning District by rezoning a new Planned Development District for Nonresidential uses. The applicant’s change request allows for office, warehouse, and outside storage of equipment and metal beams. The base zoning will be Light Industrial with the additional by-right use of Metal Stamping, Dyeing, Shearing, or Punching with Outdoor Storage. This item passed unanimously.