June 5, 2020 – As of today 236 out of 254 counties in Texas are reporting confirmed COVID-19 cases. The DSHS website shows Ellis County with 88 active COVID-19 cases.
From the Ellis County Facebook Page: The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) has notified the Ellis County Local Health Authority of 22 additional confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 and 2 recoveries. This increases the countywide total to 388 cases of COVID-19, including 314 recoveries. We must remain vigilant and committed to protecting the health of our community.
DSHS has reported the loss of life of a 92 year-old male resident of Pleasant Manor in Waxahachie. The Ellis County Office of Emergency Management continues to work with local jurisdictions in monitoring these reported cases while coordinating with the State of Texas to acquire additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and resources to reduce the spread of COVID-19. We send our thoughts and prayers to the family during these unprecedented times.
These additional cases of Ellis County COVID-19 include:
41 year-old female
58 year-old male
75 year-old female
Glenn Heights-
20 year-old female
30 year-old male
20 year-old male
22 year-old male
50 year-old female
94 year-old female
43 year-old male
66 year-old male
Red Oak-
4 year-old (DSHS has not released the gender regarding this case)
23 year-old (DSHS has not released the gender of this case) and 43 year-old female are residents of the same household
21 year-old male
27 year-old female
35 year-old female
39 year-old male
45 year-old female
48 year-old (DSHS has not released the gender regarding this case)
63 year-old female
68 year old male
As of today, DSHS has reported 5,695 tests administered in Ellis County. These updates can be found on their website at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/additionaldata/ .