Dallas County Provides Answers To Frequently Asked Questions On The Shelter In Place Order
What can I do?
Perform tasks essential to your health and safety, or to the health and
safety of your family or household members (for example, obtaining
medical supplies or medication, visiting a healthcare professional, or
obtaining supplies need to work from home).
Obtain necessary services or supplies for yourself and your family or
household members, or to deliver those services or supplies to others
(for example, food, pet supply, and any other household consumer
products, and products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation,
and essential operation of residences).
Go to work at an Essential Business (as defined in the Order) or work
from home at a non-essential business.
Care for a family member or pet in another household.
Engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals comply with social
distancing requirements of six feet (for example, walking, biking,
hiking, or running).
Move to another residence either in or outside Dallas County.
What is still open?
Government Services: police stations; fire stations; hospitals/clinics
and healthcare operations; jails; courts; garbage/sanitation;
transportation including DART; and utilities (water, power and gas).
Healthcare Facilities: hospitals; clinics; dentists; chiropractor offices;
optometry offices; pharmacies; healthcare suppliers; mental health
providers; substance abuse service providers; blood banks; and any
other healthcare facility.
Food: Grocery stores; farmers markets; food banks; convenience
stores; gas stations; and take-out, drive-through, and delivery
Schools: Public and private educational institutions, only for the
purposes of facilitating distance learning or performing essential
Maintenance Services: Hardware stores, plumbers, electricians,
cleaning services, and others who provide services necessary for
maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of
residences and essential businesses.
Animal Services: veterinary care; pet food and supply stores;
grooming if necessary for the health of the animal; pet daycare, but
only for employees of essential businesses.
Financial Institutions: Depository lenders, such as banks and credit
unions can operate. Non-depository lenders, such as payday lenders,
must close. Payroll services can also continue to operate.
Other Essential Facilities: Laundromats/laundry services; gas
stations; hotels, motels, shared rentals, and similar facilities.
Cemeteries and funeral services.
Churches can conduct services via teleconference.
What about childcare?
Only for employees of essential businesses who are exempted from
the Order.
Must be carried out in stable groups of 12 or fewer each day.
No interchanging of groups of children.
More than one group is at a facility, then each group must be in a
separate room (no mixing of groups).
Each provider must stay with only one group and not change.
Can I use ride share or on-demand service or a taxi?
Yes, but only for essential travel.
Do your best to take social distancing precautions: cover your mouth
and nose if you cough or sneeze, use hand sanitizer, and wash your
hands before and after rides, etc.
Can I move?
Yes, moving is allowed but is generally discouraged.
How do I prove that I am allowed to be outside?
At this time there is no requirement of proof that you are allowed to be outside your residence because the order presumes that citizens will adhere to their civic duty and follow the order for the greater good of the community.